P-04-505 Eating Disorder Unit in Wales – Correspondence from the Petitioner to the Committee, 15.09.17


Dear Hannah,

I was unaware that additional funding was being put into the eating disorder service this year and even though money was added in 2013 and that there are facilities within CAMHS for those suffering with an eating disorder, I still think an adult inpatient unit is needed in wales. This is because relapse is not uncommon among those suffering from an ED and if as an adolescent they were treated in CAMHS but relapsed badly as an adult, there is no Welsh impatient service for them to access if they needed to. Also eating disorders are occurring for the first time more often during men and women of middle age and again there is no where for them to access inpatient treatment in wales, this is why I think an adult inpatient hospital is still needed in Wales.


Best wishes,

